Twinning with the Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkiv, to develop innovative calorimeters for high energy physics based upon advanced scintillation materials

25 November 2022

Intelligentsia Consultants are especially satisfied to have supported the Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkiv, to win the TWISMA project. TWISMA’s overall aim is to boost the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of ISMA and its high-quality Twinning partners - European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Institute of Light and Matter (ILM) – to develop innovative calorimeters for high energy physics based upon advanced scintillation materials.

Calorimeters are key components of detectors - used in high-energy experiments for the precise energy measurement of particles - which can be distinguished between two types: homogeneous calorimeters and sampling calorimeters. Homogeneous calorimeters consist of a single dense material, simultaneously acting as an absorber and active material, while sampling calorimeters contain a passive absorber material and an active material for signal generation. Homogeneous calorimeters have a better performance in terms of energy resolution but require bulk volumes of dense scintillation materials, such as scintillating crystals. Meanwhile, sampling calorimeters can be built with a small quantity of active scintillator materials - such as scintillating fibres - but with the penalty of reduced energy resolution. Thus, choosing between a homogeneous calorimeter and a sampling calorimeter involves making a trade-off between performance and cost.

Within TWISMA’s exploratory research project, the Twinning partners will focus on developing advanced scintillation materials for homogeneous and sampling calorimeters. Namely, they will investigate ways to improve the scintillation properties of two types of advanced inorganic scintillating crystal - Ce-doped garnets and bismuth germanate-silicate oxides (Bi4Ge3-xSixO12) - by optimising the crystal growth production processes.


The three-year, 1.5M euro, TWISMA project will officially start on 1 January 2023.

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