Other Services

Intelligentsia regularly produce R&D and innovation reports for clients as well as provide them with information and communications services. Recent examples include:


Grant Funding Reports

Intelligentsia prepared a report for Brno University of Technology that identified R&D funding opportunities for the university’s aerospace R&D services and technology. Besides pinpointing many national and European funding schemes (e.g. FP7, ESA and ESF), the report also recommended potential European partners with strong track records in aerospace research. Lastly, the report spelled out a practical five-year plan on how the university could best exploit the available R&D funding opportunities.


Market Research Reports

Intelligentsia led the production of two market research reports about the ICT sectors in Belarus and Ukraine. Besides describing the national ICT sectors and their governance systems, the reports detailed the main national trends, examples of ICT cooperation with the EU, and policy recommendations to support future cooperation with the EU.


National ICT Sector Report – Belarus

National ICT Sector Report – Ukraine


Working with a team of Ukrainian and European aerospace specialists, Intelligentsia led the production of a report about Ukrainian aeronautics research and technology. The report described the role of the State in the sector, the main private and public organisations involved plus their fields of research and technology, current and future perspectives, and opportunities and recommendations to support future Ukraine-EU cooperation.


Ukrainian Aeronautics Research and Technology Report


Innovation Related Reports

Intelligentsia led the production of an important innovation related report for the European Investment Bank: “Guidelines for Cost Benefit Analysis of Major Innovative Investment Projects to be supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Polish Government”. The report was created to support organisations preparing cost benefit analyses - compliant with Polish and EC regulations - in their applications for major innovative investment projects within Poland’s Innovative Economy Operational Programme.

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